Plot 5 Consultation
Deptford Landings is a new residential and mixed-use neighbourhood, part of the community of North Deptford. It is located between Pepys Park and Deptford Park. It is delivering new homes, with new retail, open public spaces, workspaces and space for start-up businesses.
An outline masterplan was approved in 2016 and the regeneration of the former industrial site is well underway and good progress is being made. The first plot (Plot 2) opposite Pepys Park was completed in early 2020, including the refurbished Victoria Pub, which is now open for business.
PLOT 5 COMMUNITY UPDATE: We shall soon be submitting a planning application for Plot 5 in summer 2022.
To find out more about the update, please view and download our project leaflet.
- Thursday 14 July 3:30pm – 7:30pm
- Saturday 16 July 11am-2.00pm
Lendlease will be opening their site office for a drop-in, where you can view the planning application drawings and documents and members of the team will answer your questions. You will also be able to access the roof terrace of the temporary site offices offering views across the construction site. See site office location below.
Tell us what you think about the changes and detail provided on Plot 5.
You can take part in a short survey here: https://forms.office.com/r/w9XQgC5fPf
Alternatively, fill in a short feedback form at the drop-in or contact us to request a print at home version and return it to the site office (in person Monday-Friday, or by post) at the address below by Friday 22 July 2022.
Your feedback will be collected and used to produce a short report and addendum to the Statement of Community Involvement submitted with the planning application.
Once the planning application has been submitted you can view the application documents on the Lewisham Council planning portal and a link will be provided on the Deptford Landings website. Those who have signed up for updates will be informed at the time by email. You can then feed back your comments on the plans for Plot 5 as part of the council’s statutory consultation, directly to the council.
If you have any questions, or would like to get in touch with the team, please contact us:
Phone (Soundings): 020 7729 1705
Post: Deptford Landings, Lendlease site office, Evelyn Street, London SE8 5RJ
Email: consultation@deptfordlandings.co.uk