Deptford Landings, formerly The Timberyard, will be part of a new community in North Deptford, located between Pepys Park and Deptford Park.
The regeneration of the former industrial site is currently underway, with the creation of new homes together with retail, workspaces and opportunities for flexible working and start-up businesses. New connections will also be created between Grove Street and Evelyn Street with a new safe pedestrian and cycle-friendly route under Oxestalls Road bridge.
Construction of the first Plot opposite Pepys Park was completed in 2020, and has since welcomed the site’s first residents.
Plot 5 update consultation ran in Summer 2022
Plot 5 consultation ran in Q1 2021.
Plots 1 and 3 consultation ran in Q4 2020.
Plot 5 consultation ran in Q4 2019.